Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'

Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'
I am still in shock of the amazing piece of art I have for the remainder of my life! How lucky am I to have found such a talented and hardworking artist! Click on the picture to check out her website at her shop, Star City Tattoo and Piercings

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clearing the air

I would like to say that I have really enjoyed my first few days with this blog! I have been getting some really decent responses from everyone. I would like to say that if you send me a comment let me know through my email if I can post it, atheismbyfire@gmail.com. I have had two responses that I would have like to post but they included names. I am willing to expose myself to everyone through this blog, but not everyone wants their name out there. I hope to keep getting good feedback, questions, rants and raves. I love it and its really fun so far. Also, I have got some responses on my acknowledgement of the use of "adult language". I personally don't like to use adult language when writing something somewhat formal as this. But, I also know that some people do like to. Some people like to just to vent and let it go. I am ok with it, and it was more of myself giving the writer freedom and permission to write whats on their mind. I feel that adult language is what we as adults use at times to express our emotion at the time. In the days when I was a Marine every other word that came out of my mouth was, fuck. Now that I am a little older and a little wiser, I have generally learned that not everyone wants to hear that all the time. I worked with a guy at Ten Oaks in Patrick County that taught me that lesson. When you have to hear "fuck this and fuck that" everyday all day, it gets relatively annoying. So if you use language like that frequently in your responses to me, rest assure, I more than likely didn't finish reading it and I just simply deleted it.

Respect. I do love and respect most if not all people that I have invited to read this blog. I wish nothing more than more people read this blog to get a broader range of people to respond on their thoughts and philosophies on these subjects. Its not you the person that generated your philosophy and outlook on life, rather its your experiences and the people around you. I love all of my gene-pool regardless of what they may think about my beliefs. There has only been two people in my life that tongue-tie me to the point of no response in the matters of theology and philosophy. One being my Aunt Donna. I have so much love and respect for her, when she speaks to me on things such as this, all my heart kicks out is, "Yes Ma'am!" My brain wants to say other things, but I just can't. The other person is someone of whom I am not sure they would like their named mentioned. All I can say is that he has been a great positive male influence to me for a very long time. He has challenged my way of thinking in more ways than one and inadvertently pushed me further into Atheism by way of Christian books and the Bible. In a perfect world this man should be teaching American History and passing his wealth of knowledge on to other young men and women who need some type of guidance in their lives. Whenever we would talk about theology or when we talk at all these days, I listen to what he says and form my own opinions based off of the information he has generously given to me.

Based on my last paragraph, don't you nutbag Christians think I am a softy! Odds are I don't love you that much and I will catch you in a mythical lie quicker than you can say, Lot was date raped by his own two daughters! (Genesis 19:30-36) Notice how the author of this story blames it on the woman.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fear and loathing in Heaven

So, it seems that I have upset a few people that I know and that are in my gene-pool over this blog. First off let me make this clear, I am not trying to convert anyone with this blog. I am merely here for my benefit and the benefit of those who like to debate or like to have conversation about the subjects of philosophy and religions. If you don't like what I have to say about your superstition then hit the X at the top right of your screen. We all have a keyboard and some type of "mouse". Although I prefer the wireless one. You may prefer the one with the wire, so that you may beat your children when they ask questions like, Why aren't there any black Mormons? Or my favorite, Why are the founders of all the major Abrahamic religions illiterate and in the case of Joseph Smith a convicted felon in the state of New York?

Secondly, I will never respect a form of belief that has murdered untold millions and tortured untold millions in order to further their religion. Atheism and certain forms of religion have been disrespected and forced into this blind ignorance for almost seventeen hundred years, if you count Judaism it's been much longer than that! So don't ask me to respect such an embarrassing part of human history. There are certain people within my gene-pool that may consider them selves Southern Baptists. I ask why? What makes you put yourself in with that type of person? Personally I thought they were Mormon. But I guess if I was given the choice between being Mormon and Southern Baptist, I would have chosen a shotgun too.

In closing, don't ask or tell me to respect your religion or beliefs. I don't walk into your church and ask or tell you and your fellow history deniers to think and rationalize! If that happened, immediately the Bible goes where it belongs! In libraries and bookstores all over the world the Bible would be placed into Mythology. I fear death just like any normal, sane person on this Earth. The difference between having faith in religion and having faith in your fellow human is reality!

Fact vs what dreams are made of

Noahs Ark

Monday, February 27, 2012

Jesus and his Peeps! Holla at your slave!

Jesus - First Thing She Does

Evolved Morality

So what many Christians want to know from an Atheist is, where do we get our morals? How and where do we get our conscience? The Christians and other religions think that these brain activities procured over time have got to be from a God or a creator.

I say this has come to us from Evolution. Over time our morals have improved to what they are today. Although, sometimes we as humans take a step back on our moral value, most of the time we gain the steps back in life lessons learned. Even most Christians will admit that our morals have drastically improved since ancient times (Biblical Times). When I read the Bible, like most grounded rational individuals, I see a book full of violence from rape, date rape, gang rape, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice, enslavement, beatings and murders.

The big problem that I have with a lot of this is not really the archaic, unstable philosophy of illiterate sheep herdsman, and carpenters, but the comments Christians pin on us Atheists today. Example, If God didn't give us morals and isn't there watching us, why be a good and decent person? Why not just do whatever you want and not worry about an afterlife? They completely assert that Atheists have no morals, nor do we live by any morals.

I beg to differ! We all do bad things by definition, the word sin is a word forced onto humanity by religion. I know that we all do bad things, but we also do decent and moral things without the concept of a Deity. I ask people who are superstitious, "If proof came to light that without a doubt there was not a God, no Deity, and certainly no creator of our known natural world, would you commit adultery, have incestuous relations, rape, rob and steal?" The point and fact of the matter is Christians don’t live by faith, they live in constant fear. Fear of what the Devil will do to them in the afterlife and fear what a god will do to them in this mortal life.

I mean come on! If all of these things are immoral and you should burn in hell for eternity for them, I would have to assume that Abraham is in Hell! After all, he raped his slave to bear himself a son, he was married to his sister, he was going to murder his son Isaac who was born to him by his own sister Sarah (wife), he used murderous ruthless force to steal land from other tribes, he and his followers murdered countless men, women and children during these battles. The only thing most of these tribes had done to ask for this treatment from Abraham and his imaginary friend (God), they were a different race, and worshiped different gods. So on top of all of that tyranny, this asshole was racist too! What a great moral story and example this man sets for us in today's world. I guess if I had sand in my food my whole life I would be a bit crazy too!

If you as a person, look at yourself honestly, and say that you would live a reckless life, commit atrocities against humanity and go on a war path because God(s) don’t exist, you have bigger problems than what to wear on Sunday! As an Atheist I do things that other Atheists would find immoral and vice versa. I have had some Christians go as far to say that the only reason I claim to be an Atheist is so I can live without "God's Laws"! If that isn't the dumbest statement I have ever heard! It's even dumber than saying the Earth is only 6,000 years old! Like the idiot Ken Hamm! He runs a government funded museum in Petersburg, Kentucky called, The Creation Museum, creationmuseum.org, they believe dinosaurs and humans walked this Earth at the same time! LOL! Ok, moving on. If I really thought or if I had an inclination there was a God but decided to live my life like there wasn't a God, and then confessed my "sins" to God and his illegitimate son and their pet ghost Holy on my deathbed; then the powers that be will just let me stroll into the Playboy Mansion… Excuse me, Heaven. It makes no sense at all. You are going to tell me that someone like Gandhi, will burn at the center of this Earth for not accepting the human sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth and not accepting that he then rose from the dead on the third day but  Hitler being the standup Christian that he was, confessed his sins then let that douchebag in Heaven? Can I get a WTF?
To me, a person living like that is a hypocritical liar! Their whole life lying to their self and everyone around them!  They live an immoral heathen life, they didn't follow the rules set forth by the celestial dictator and his minions, they privately believe in their existence but don’t practice the traditions, but at the end of their life cycle, bippity, boppity BOOM! Now I am a believer, #1 Christian! Place me amongst the martyrs on the streets of gold… That would make them the dumbest person ever! That would be just flat out just ignorant! That would make them a...... What’s the word...? Christian. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Birth of a Fire Starter

To begin my blog, I have to say that I think I have been an Atheist my whole life. It took a little intestinal fortitude to come out and say it when I was around 20 years old. Having grown up in a somewhat religious home, but not really. It was hard to admit being an Atheist and even harder to ask questions about religions problems. I grew up in a Republican household, where the values of conservatism was key. My father would bash the theories of evolution and call Atheists, 'Communists'. I remember President George Herbert Walker Bush saying,"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots." At that time, I didn't know what an Atheist was. I certainly didn't know exactly how ignorant and closed minded this statement was at the time. Sometimes I am amazed at how open-minded I am considering my background and up bringing.

My father was an alcoholic that lived the motto, do as I say, not as I do. He would read the Bible and tell me that our family's core values were God, Country and Family. In that order! As I got older and he began to learn more about evolution, he started to believe more in the theory of creation and evolution walking hand in hand. Even he in all of his southern baptist background couldn't deny the history of this Earth. 

Atheism has brought me closer to the fragility of life. I do not understand the mysticism behind what people think this life is supposed to bring. Why do people feel they need a celestial dictator watching them in order to be moral? Why do they feel that a deity gave us morals? If he is the one who gave us morals, then why are we, as humans, so messed up? I think individually we are at heart good and moral people. But once you put us (humans) in a large room together and have a preacher, minister, pastor and child molesters telling us how to interpret documents, that are in most cases older than 2,000 years, we are as ignorant and stupid as it gets. This level of ignorance is something that I like to call, "Southern Baptists".

As a somewhat deep and Freethinker, I do not see or feel the need for a mind reading celestial dictator in my life. When I accomplish  good deeds, I do not want someone to promise or procure me rewards in this life or an afterlife. When I do bad things, I want my punishments according to my secular society, not punishments from people with an imaginary friend(s). I acknowledge the fact that this is my one and only life on this Earth. I do not expect or want nothing more than what I can personally achieve in this mortal life and this reality called Life. 

During my blog that I hope to keep up at least through my college years, I will be discussing these things and way more topics about our lives as human beings on this Earth. I also hope to improve on my writing abilities and style to convey my philosophies and thoughts on not only Atheism and religions, but also daily life.

I welcome anyone with questions to me and I also welcome any type of debate on this and many other subjects. I am always up for good conversation and a meaningful debate. In this blog I will be using adult language at times, but only when I feel that it is necessary. I hope anyone with comments will fell free to do the same. I feel that some words are appropriate in getting a point across. I also realize that some people will debase the language and completely over use some words. I will not participate in that. I will not sugar coat anything for anyone at any one time. I also hope that any comments will not be that way towards me. I hope that I do offend people and make you think about your life and the possibilities that lie within. I want to talk and deal with life's realities. Not possibilities and archaic dream worlds. Bring up superstitions, they are what fascinates me the most, but don't expect respect for your ancestor's superstition from me or any other Anti-Theist/Atheist.