Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'

Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'
I am still in shock of the amazing piece of art I have for the remainder of my life! How lucky am I to have found such a talented and hardworking artist! Click on the picture to check out her website at her shop, Star City Tattoo and Piercings

Monday, February 27, 2012

Evolved Morality

So what many Christians want to know from an Atheist is, where do we get our morals? How and where do we get our conscience? The Christians and other religions think that these brain activities procured over time have got to be from a God or a creator.

I say this has come to us from Evolution. Over time our morals have improved to what they are today. Although, sometimes we as humans take a step back on our moral value, most of the time we gain the steps back in life lessons learned. Even most Christians will admit that our morals have drastically improved since ancient times (Biblical Times). When I read the Bible, like most grounded rational individuals, I see a book full of violence from rape, date rape, gang rape, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice, enslavement, beatings and murders.

The big problem that I have with a lot of this is not really the archaic, unstable philosophy of illiterate sheep herdsman, and carpenters, but the comments Christians pin on us Atheists today. Example, If God didn't give us morals and isn't there watching us, why be a good and decent person? Why not just do whatever you want and not worry about an afterlife? They completely assert that Atheists have no morals, nor do we live by any morals.

I beg to differ! We all do bad things by definition, the word sin is a word forced onto humanity by religion. I know that we all do bad things, but we also do decent and moral things without the concept of a Deity. I ask people who are superstitious, "If proof came to light that without a doubt there was not a God, no Deity, and certainly no creator of our known natural world, would you commit adultery, have incestuous relations, rape, rob and steal?" The point and fact of the matter is Christians don’t live by faith, they live in constant fear. Fear of what the Devil will do to them in the afterlife and fear what a god will do to them in this mortal life.

I mean come on! If all of these things are immoral and you should burn in hell for eternity for them, I would have to assume that Abraham is in Hell! After all, he raped his slave to bear himself a son, he was married to his sister, he was going to murder his son Isaac who was born to him by his own sister Sarah (wife), he used murderous ruthless force to steal land from other tribes, he and his followers murdered countless men, women and children during these battles. The only thing most of these tribes had done to ask for this treatment from Abraham and his imaginary friend (God), they were a different race, and worshiped different gods. So on top of all of that tyranny, this asshole was racist too! What a great moral story and example this man sets for us in today's world. I guess if I had sand in my food my whole life I would be a bit crazy too!

If you as a person, look at yourself honestly, and say that you would live a reckless life, commit atrocities against humanity and go on a war path because God(s) don’t exist, you have bigger problems than what to wear on Sunday! As an Atheist I do things that other Atheists would find immoral and vice versa. I have had some Christians go as far to say that the only reason I claim to be an Atheist is so I can live without "God's Laws"! If that isn't the dumbest statement I have ever heard! It's even dumber than saying the Earth is only 6,000 years old! Like the idiot Ken Hamm! He runs a government funded museum in Petersburg, Kentucky called, The Creation Museum, creationmuseum.org, they believe dinosaurs and humans walked this Earth at the same time! LOL! Ok, moving on. If I really thought or if I had an inclination there was a God but decided to live my life like there wasn't a God, and then confessed my "sins" to God and his illegitimate son and their pet ghost Holy on my deathbed; then the powers that be will just let me stroll into the Playboy Mansion… Excuse me, Heaven. It makes no sense at all. You are going to tell me that someone like Gandhi, will burn at the center of this Earth for not accepting the human sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth and not accepting that he then rose from the dead on the third day but  Hitler being the standup Christian that he was, confessed his sins then let that douchebag in Heaven? Can I get a WTF?
To me, a person living like that is a hypocritical liar! Their whole life lying to their self and everyone around them!  They live an immoral heathen life, they didn't follow the rules set forth by the celestial dictator and his minions, they privately believe in their existence but don’t practice the traditions, but at the end of their life cycle, bippity, boppity BOOM! Now I am a believer, #1 Christian! Place me amongst the martyrs on the streets of gold… That would make them the dumbest person ever! That would be just flat out just ignorant! That would make them a...... What’s the word...? Christian. 


  1. You sure can get a WTF they just believe as long as the religion is right then the gates of heaven will open right up for them and you want to talk about morality these are the same people that go behind each others backs talk shit about each other and bang each other spouses and say paise jesus....it is bullshit they just want to be better than every body else and say i am going to heaven because i belive but you ask them what they belive in and most just get the deer in the headlights look and get defencive and say you wouldnt understand because it is to much for me to grasp. Most of these so called religous people think that since they are saved they dont have to answer for shit so where is the morallity in that religion...

  2. People that act like that Steven aren't true Christians ... Christians aren't supposed to deliberately sin. You can't do those things, ask for forgiveness, and keep doing it again ...

  3. But that is the philosophy of religion. Make no plans for tomorrow and confess all of your natural flaws, "sins", to a non-existent being. He will let you walk his streets of gold. Personally I feel that if I was a God and I created a heaven for little peons who worshiped me on a daily basis for no other reason than I am bored and you will do what I say or else! I wouldn't even have streets. Grass is much softer and easier on the knees for bowing to me...
    The thing is, there is always an "excuse" for the way Christians act. There is always a Biblical excuse. For not only Christians, but the vast majority of Judaic based superstition. The fact about prayer is this, it is a form of meditation. The Chinese figured out that meditation is a healing form of brain activity thousands of years ago! The power of the rationalist mind is unwavering!

  4. It's not the philosophy of my "religion."
    I make plans for tomorrow, and if I feel like I'm getting ready to do something wrong, I change that. Now, when I say this, I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm still human. Just wanna get that out there. Anyways, Jesus said he'd rather people be hot or cold.. all for him, or all not.. not in the middle, like Christians are today.. claiming Him and then not really living like they should. I agree, there is always an "excuse" for the way a "christian" acts.. doesn't mean that's what Christianity is actually about though.
    Next topic...
    I pray on a daily basis.. It is like meditation.. but my prayers get answered.. What is your philosophy on this? A lot of coincidences?

  5. RE: "I pray on a daily basis.. It is like meditation.. but my prayers get answered.. What is your philosophy on this? A lot of coincidences?"

    Are you saying that ALL of your prayers get answered all of the time? The ones which DO get "answered" are answered by yourself. You pray or meditate on the problem, then that helps you figure out the problem and how to solve it. It's no different than thinking and sitting down and reasoning out your problems very calmly, as I would do. People just like to call it something mysterious and attribute the result to an invisible being instead of to their own mind...whether conscious or done by your subconscious.

    So what is my philosophy on why people like to attribute their own reasoning to god answering their prayers? They do it for the same reason people look at an inane horoscope and let it guide their lives....because some people need to think that they have some type of guide in their lives other than themselves. They are taught by religion not to feel comfortable in their own skin and in their own ability to make good decisions by thinking and reasoning and then giving their own selves credit. They need some type of order in their lives in order to simplify things, and religion provides a simplistic answer to everything. Not necessarily the right answer, but an answer. Somehow, this takes responsibility off the shoulders of the believer...good things that happen to him are attributed to god and the bad things are attributed to satan.....what could be simpler? It's just that it's all a delusion, and it's not living in truth and a sense of self-worth.
