Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'

Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'
I am still in shock of the amazing piece of art I have for the remainder of my life! How lucky am I to have found such a talented and hardworking artist! Click on the picture to check out her website at her shop, Star City Tattoo and Piercings

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clearing the air

I would like to say that I have really enjoyed my first few days with this blog! I have been getting some really decent responses from everyone. I would like to say that if you send me a comment let me know through my email if I can post it, atheismbyfire@gmail.com. I have had two responses that I would have like to post but they included names. I am willing to expose myself to everyone through this blog, but not everyone wants their name out there. I hope to keep getting good feedback, questions, rants and raves. I love it and its really fun so far. Also, I have got some responses on my acknowledgement of the use of "adult language". I personally don't like to use adult language when writing something somewhat formal as this. But, I also know that some people do like to. Some people like to just to vent and let it go. I am ok with it, and it was more of myself giving the writer freedom and permission to write whats on their mind. I feel that adult language is what we as adults use at times to express our emotion at the time. In the days when I was a Marine every other word that came out of my mouth was, fuck. Now that I am a little older and a little wiser, I have generally learned that not everyone wants to hear that all the time. I worked with a guy at Ten Oaks in Patrick County that taught me that lesson. When you have to hear "fuck this and fuck that" everyday all day, it gets relatively annoying. So if you use language like that frequently in your responses to me, rest assure, I more than likely didn't finish reading it and I just simply deleted it.

Respect. I do love and respect most if not all people that I have invited to read this blog. I wish nothing more than more people read this blog to get a broader range of people to respond on their thoughts and philosophies on these subjects. Its not you the person that generated your philosophy and outlook on life, rather its your experiences and the people around you. I love all of my gene-pool regardless of what they may think about my beliefs. There has only been two people in my life that tongue-tie me to the point of no response in the matters of theology and philosophy. One being my Aunt Donna. I have so much love and respect for her, when she speaks to me on things such as this, all my heart kicks out is, "Yes Ma'am!" My brain wants to say other things, but I just can't. The other person is someone of whom I am not sure they would like their named mentioned. All I can say is that he has been a great positive male influence to me for a very long time. He has challenged my way of thinking in more ways than one and inadvertently pushed me further into Atheism by way of Christian books and the Bible. In a perfect world this man should be teaching American History and passing his wealth of knowledge on to other young men and women who need some type of guidance in their lives. Whenever we would talk about theology or when we talk at all these days, I listen to what he says and form my own opinions based off of the information he has generously given to me.

Based on my last paragraph, don't you nutbag Christians think I am a softy! Odds are I don't love you that much and I will catch you in a mythical lie quicker than you can say, Lot was date raped by his own two daughters! (Genesis 19:30-36) Notice how the author of this story blames it on the woman.

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