Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'

Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'
I am still in shock of the amazing piece of art I have for the remainder of my life! How lucky am I to have found such a talented and hardworking artist! Click on the picture to check out her website at her shop, Star City Tattoo and Piercings

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Man that you fear....

What is it that we fear the most? The most primal of fears, the one thing that brings out every instinct our mortal bodies has to offer as a means of getting around it. It is most of the reason why our human adrenal glands have not evolved smaller than what they are today. The reason why our frontal lobes of our brains are still so small. Evolution ever so gently, slightly holding these muscles and chemical reactionary body reflects back, keeping us from the brighter futures within us. The prime reason why we as people refuse to sit and reason together... and just Imagine.

Death. What exactly is it? What is on the other side? Who is on the other side? Why the other side? How do we find out what is on the other side? Fact. We do NOT know the answers to these questions. All we can do as humans today is make an educated, philosophical guess.

What has the Bible put an uneducated and archaic opinion to, that science and our general moral value of today's society cannot answer with evidence, study, a well thought out hypothesis and established conclusions? What is it that continues to hold people to a superstition? When you look at a rainbow, what exactly do you think about? Do you think about the angle of the sun hitting evaporating water and thus forming the rainbow? Or do you think about God giving the rainbow to man as a gift for aborting virtually all of mankind with an over sized sprinkler? Doesn't this action make him pro-choice? He didn't want these people because he was so concerned with their sexual organs that he murdered them all! But the only humans to survive this tragic mythical event was an alcoholic who passes out drunk in his ship and condemns his son and his descendants to be man's eternal slaves because he laughs... Who has not been to college and seen something like that? Any rational person would think that maybe he deserved to be laughed at. He was 600 years old at the time, learn how to handle your alcohol for gods sake! It is just wine! I would understand if it was moonshine or Johnny Walker... But back to the point. Do you think that rainbows didn't exist before the great flood of 4000 c. If you take the flood story literal, then you must accept that you think the Earth is young and is by the Catholics math, 6,660 years old. Science says the Earth is 4.4 Billion. The Universe is 14.4 Billion years old... Give or take a few million years.

People who take the Bible literal may not all be gullible, but it sure seems a far stretch to think that things such as the flood occurred literally. This is one mythical story out of hundreds of stories in the Bible that has no moral value to it. None. Generally as a human in the year 2012, I don't think that any story in the Bible is true. None. People want you to believe these stories were passed down and documented since the beginning of time, wrong answer. The Hebrews did not have a written phonetic language until around 640 B.C.E. So, essentially 630 years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. So, all of this Judaic history was passed by mouth for thousands of years if you take these myths as truth. Then you have the son of a carpenter, who more than likely did not know how to read or write, supposedly has educated men following him around and documenting not only his life but his mothers life in Greek. So you have the Old Testament in Hebrew that didn't have an alphabet for eighty percent of its ancient history and then you have The New Testament stories about a Jewish carpenter that were not documented until 40 to 60 years after he was crucified. A Jews life, written in Greek, a Jews life, written in Greek. Greek! Ok, move on Justin, move on.

So, why would you believe this? What is it that you truly fear about death? What is it you truly fear about your religion? The falsity. Your own demise. Are you afraid of what life is like after you die? I will tell you everything will be fine. The Earth will spin for another ten billion years. You will again be star dust. Yet again, there will be no man that you fear.


  1. Yes, think about "where" you were before you were born. Can't remember, huh? I would suspect that's because you didn't have a brain then. Well, that's exactly where we will all be when our current brains die. Nothing to fear....just back into unconsciousness. That doesn't seem so bad to me! I'm willing to move on and make room for the next person on this planet. I don't have to live forever to feel happiness and worth.
    I don't want to die, but I will, so I accept that. The actual act of dying is the not so great part. Death itself is a piece of cake.

    As Einstein said: "I cannot believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms."

  2. Not trying to be mean here, but you said in your second paragraph
    "Fact. We do NOT know the answers to these questions.(about death)"
    and then in the last paragraph you said "I will tell you everything will be fine. The Earth will spin for another ten billion years. You will again be star dust."
    Contradicted yourself there.

  3. Now I know I'm up for some big long blog on how the Bible contradicts itself and all that bc of my last comment, but this is my point.. you just contradicted your own self.. but I'm sure you have a reasonable explanation of what you were trying to say, I merely twisted your words around to form what I wanted, or rather, I took two sentences from two totally different paragraphs, but them together and did exactly what you do with the Bible to make yourself believe it's not real. Do you get my point?

  4. But that's the thing. There is not a reasonable explanation for your interpretation of what Jesus is saying. It is what it is. As far as what I said, it is what it is. You are reaching for something in my statement. Jesus said that this generation will not pass; not, the generation that no one knows will pass but my Dad knows and I am not telling. I said we don't know what happens after we die, to our consciousness. Our physical world we know what happens because we have scientific evidence of what happens to solar systems during their life cycle and after their life cycle. The FACT that we don't know what happens to our human consciousness after we die still remains a fact. The FACT that the Earth will continue to spin and our star, or our Sun, the center of our solar system it will die in around ten billion years, thus ending the life cycle of our solar system. The FACT that you are reaching for unreasonable conclusions for what this potentially non-existent man, Jesus of Nazareth said is apparent as well. The fact that you are trying to use the argument that he is talking to a generation that you or any Christian doesn't know exists, is an acknowledgement that a broken clock and a comment made by a lunatic are correct every once in awhile. The world will end one day, the generation if humans are around then, no one knows.
    So, I will make my prediction, the Earth will end one day. Humans will cease to exist during a generation one day. God told me this. Send me money. So shall it be done. Hurry with the money, me and Jimmy Swaggart have a coke and prostitute habit to keep going!
    I am not trying to be mean, but, believing bullshit, won;t make it come true.

  5. Here is another fact, you can go forever about contradictions in the Bible. For me to start a blog about contradictions in the Bible is just way too easy. I want my blog to take a more reality based and philosophical stand point.
    The fact that I do know you and I do know the things that happened in your life about your father and mother, just simply things that you have brought to light on this blog, reminds me of my past and things that I have went through. Sometimes we seek out things that aren't there to fill a void. To seek out unrealistic love when our realities don't provide it for us. In that sense I understand why you believe in your imaginary friends. You fear death and its outcome. All I can say is welcome to life and join the crowd. Although it is great to have an imagination, reality prevails 100% of the time.
    Your thought process on the Bible and its infallibility is something that only you can break through. I and every other rationalist can show you and bring to light the fallacies your religion claims truth on, but you are the one who has to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, Am I willingly to live a lie and claim faith instead of rationalism? Am I willingly to keep passing forward a thought of an archaic philosophy that does nothing but spread ignorance, racism, hate, greed and irrationality?
    I have come to my conclusions with an open mind and heart to my fellow man through understanding, love, compassion, experience and education. (Self taught education, nothing formal) I rely on my own intuitions and my own understandings of the world in which we all exist.
    My point is this, try to venture outside of your comfort zone. Understand and come to terms with this fact. If you were born in China, odds are you would be a Buddhist. If you were born in Saudi Arabia you would be Muslim. If you were me, and walked my shoes and seen what I have seen and lived my life and strive to always put yourself in someone else's shoes, your mind tends to open, your philosophy on life changes and you contemplate the rationality on why things and you truly exist.
    We have the luxury of living on a planet teaming with life, in which started billions of years ago. We as humans share common ancestry not only with apes, but if you go back far enough, we all share one common ancestor. I doubt that we were created by a being whom is so racist, so sexist, so indecisive and so petty in his or her murderous rage. God was created in a male humans image, dominant, sexist, jealous and makes ignorant and rash decisions.

    If you still claim a God is to claim credit for us after a thorough investigation by yourself and your fortitude, may I remind you, the burden of proof is in your hands. The Bible and its more than 450 different English translations are a far cry from proof. I wish you luck with your open-minded search for your truth, and I Love You!
