Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'

Jackie Rabbit's version of 'Bookhead'
I am still in shock of the amazing piece of art I have for the remainder of my life! How lucky am I to have found such a talented and hardworking artist! Click on the picture to check out her website at her shop, Star City Tattoo and Piercings

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rape and Religion

Rick Santorum. Wow, What do you say about a statement such as this. Where exactly does he find the right to make such a statement. It doesn't even take courage to make a statement such as that. He has his right to form his own opinion, but statements like that should be kept in the confines of his rapist natured church. He is not a woman. He has never been a rape victim. To heighten this issue, he is a Catholic. By saying that a child by product of rape is a gift from God, he is saying, God sent the rapist to glorify her with His presence and ensure procreation by violence, that he so loves in the Bible. He most likely blames the woman for the rape too. Way to take care of your people 'Douchesantorum'. For those who don't know, that is Truenutz Latin for, "better off as maggot food."

No wonder why, Thou shalt not rape isn't one of the 10 Commandments. The lord your God is real concerned with only worshiping him, but rape and pillage as you please. Here... It is a gift from God. A constant reminder of you being violated for absolutely no other reason than you have a vagina. I wonder if he would feel as if a child like that was a gift from God if his wife or daughter was raped and was impregnated? He most likely wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to have the child aborted. He would just kick her down the stairs like any other religious psycho would do. Or perhaps a rusty old coat hanger would do the trick. He would rather murder by default than make an actual rational decision. It is because of people like him, religious people murder their wives or husbands instead of getting a divorce. They would rather murder their own child, than face the embarrassment of an out of wedlock child.  I would be embarrassed to vote for him, and I would be embarrassed to have his name plastered on the back of my car like most of these loving Christians around here do.

I personally know women who have been raped by trusted men in their lives. I know women who were molested and raped by trusted men in their communities. The psychological effects are on-going. It never really goes away. I think that anyone who goes through such an emotional tragedy should be embraced by their community, show them love and support regardless of their decision. Let the woman involved make the decision for her own health, mentally and physically. The criminal should be caught and sent to prison for as long as the courts would allow. There should be plenty of raping for him in prison. The punishment truly fitting the crime.

I know if this idiot believes such an outlandish statement, there has to be more! I just couldn't fathom words, the product of rape is a gift from God, coming out of my Atheist/Anti-Theist mouth. Thank God I am not a Christian. The act of rape is damaging beyond imagination to those of us who have never had the displeasure of the act being inflicted on us. So, why in the hell do we have someone who does not know anything on the subject making the decisions for those few. Where are their voices? 

1 comment:

  1. I just read your post on "the Sanitarium". AMEN, brutha! What's wrong with people? Can't they see how despicable people like him are? These politicians just keep pushing and pushing the craziness and people still follow them! I guess all they have to do is put the word "GAWD" in an ad or a speech and it wouldn't matter what else comes out of their mouths! If they can pronounce the word "GAWD", then they must be sent by HIM!, and hey, we'll wag our tails and salivate on command.....no matter how vile the pronouncement.
    I'm so bewildered by this phenomenon!
